Let's begin from scratch.
My name is
Mario Krivickas and I am investing in Mallorca.
I lived in 6 countries before and Spain it is where I met my soul, harmony and love.
I moved from London and now I am living here for 4 years.
My visionary analytic mindset, strategic planner's skillset, creative experienced smell, profit-minded feel and social supportive love saying it could be the place for smart living future.
Now, I am inviting you to be part of this amazing island transformation.
Tell me, and be honest, are you a person who has something extraordinary? Are you a story-teller, future visualizer, creatively intelligent, trend and style feeler? that one who is an iconic person, revolutionary and thinking not only about himself but about different cultures, mother earth and how we can leave this world better as it is now…
TheHATS.CLUB - is a members club with smart places in exclusive location around the world & business accelerator attachment.
We look forward to welcoming you and guiding through the new experience and empathy.
Always feel free to ask me & mine team professional advice.